The Shnarf-Mandarsh Wars Part 1 / Analysis

By Eviscerate
07/13/2009 - 23:05:47

Type: Attack adventure
Rating: 0.45 (Not rated)

Basic info
Intro message:
You beam down on a planet controlled by the Mandarshians. Capture the planet, as it will make an efficient outpost for future missions.
Win message:
Congrats! (hint: Look to the left of the walls at the town. See that red lego brick? I wonder what it does...)
Lose message:
My Roflcopter goes LolLolLolLolLolLolLolLolLolLolLolLolLolLolLolLolLolLolLolLolLolLolLolLolLolLolLolLolLolLolLolLolLolLolLolLolLolLolLolLolLolLolLolLolLolLolLolLolLolLolLolLolLolLolLolLolRofl
ACT 1 :   Get Briefed On The Mission Plan
Get Briefed On The Mission Plan
ACT 2 :   Destroy The Towers!
Destroy all of the towers! (tip: you dont need a key to open the white gate, just walk up to it, and it will open)
ACT 3 :   Capture The Town

ACT 4 :   Kill The Captain!
Dont let him excape! Kill him and his bodyguards too!
ACT 5 :   Finish Them Off!
Leave non alive!
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