Crashed on a strange planet / Analysis

By BeastMaster101
07/08/2009 - 23:15:03
Type: Explore adventure
Rating: 0.07 (Not rated)
Basic info
Intro message:
WOW! This place is weird its got giant fireflies and i think i hear crickets and what sounds like junping fish......Well in any case i better remain vigilant.
WOW! This place is weird its got giant fireflies and i think i hear crickets and what sounds like junping fish......Well in any case i better remain vigilant.
Win message:
You didnt just beam up into your ship it was just a dream.
You didnt just beam up into your ship it was just a dream.
Lose message:
Come on this isnt that hard!? Is it?
Come on this isnt that hard!? Is it?
ACT 1 :
Examine the crash
Examine the crash
ACT 2 :
Examine the smoke location
Examine the smoke location
ACT 3 :
Read the note
Read the note
ACT 4 :
Lets us go meet mr. rocky
Lets us go meet mr. rocky
ACT 5 :
Kill that rock creature!
Kill that rock creature!
ACT 6 :
Head Back to the hut i guess your stayin there for the night.
Head Back to the hut i guess your stayin there for the night.
ACT 7 :
Hit the hay.You might have better luck getting off this planet in the sun light.
Hit the hay.You might have better luck getting off this planet in the sun light.
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