A Knight's Tale / Analysis

By Zietmon
07/08/2009 - 16:16:10

Type: Story adventure
Rating: 0.06 (Not rated)

Basic info
Intro message:
The village of Nool needs your help! This past week the village has had several large thefts take place. They need you to find out who did it!
Win message:
Alls well that ends well!
Lose message:
Care to give it another try?
ACT 1 :   A Big Problem
Speak to the mayor and see what the problem is.
ACT 2 :   The Warlord
Speak with this so called Warlord and see what he has to say.
ACT 3 :   Threat Report
Bring the Treat Report to Mayor Joe.
ACT 4 :   Mayor's Oppinion
See what the mayor has to say about this report
ACT 5 :   Who is Vladicof?
If you ask around, you may be able to find out who this Vladicof person is.
ACT 6 :   Morowtin eh?
Head over to Morowtin and talk to the citizens there.
ACT 7 :   Things could get messy.
Looks like you'll have to take these guys out yourself. Hope you came prepaired for a fight!
ACT 8 :   Take back what was taken.
Time to return the stolen things to the mayor.
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