Babelfish Blues / Analysis

By boggeyb
07/08/2009 - 15:54:22
Type: No genre adventure
Rating: 0.47 (Not rated)
Basic info
Intro message:
Galactic Command wants you to meet with Captain Bundy on a nearby planet. However, it seems you can't understand a word of the locals. Oh, bloody hell...
Galactic Command wants you to meet with Captain Bundy on a nearby planet. However, it seems you can't understand a word of the locals. Oh, bloody hell...
Win message:
Well, you didn't get to complete your original mission, but at least you've got a lifetime supply of babelfish. Way to go, Captain!
Well, you didn't get to complete your original mission, but at least you've got a lifetime supply of babelfish. Way to go, Captain!
Lose message:
Not exactly mostly harmless, is it?
Not exactly mostly harmless, is it?
ACT 1 : Through the Groobers
After talking with Captain Bundy, follow the path and go investigate Grooberville; see if anyone or anything can help you find a babelfish!
After talking with Captain Bundy, follow the path and go investigate Grooberville; see if anyone or anything can help you find a babelfish!
ACT 2 : Back to Bundy
Take the letter you "'borrowed"' to Captain Bundy. See if he has any ideas about who on this planet you might be able to understand.
Take the letter you "'borrowed"' to Captain Bundy. See if he has any ideas about who on this planet you might be able to understand.
ACT 3 : To the Pond
Follow the path back through town, and to the northwest you should find this dreary old fellow...
Follow the path back through town, and to the northwest you should find this dreary old fellow...
ACT 4 : The Great Jellybean Heist
Act fast! Those theives are after the Jellybeans, too. If you collect them first, then you can worry about the thieves.
Act fast! Those theives are after the Jellybeans, too. If you collect them first, then you can worry about the thieves.
ACT 5 : Warming the Cockles
Get your box of Jellybeans and head back to the malcontent and get your "'bloody"' babelfish!
Get your box of Jellybeans and head back to the malcontent and get your "'bloody"' babelfish!
ACT 6 : Stuffing 'Em In
Get back to Captain Bundy with your pile of babelfish, and get on with your mission!
Get back to Captain Bundy with your pile of babelfish, and get on with your mission!
ACT 7 : To Meet the Mayor
Time to talk to Mayor Groober and finally complete Galactic Command's mission. Take Captain Bundy and go see what he needs.
Time to talk to Mayor Groober and finally complete Galactic Command's mission. Take Captain Bundy and go see what he needs.
ACT 8 : Penance
Take the Friendlier Frogroola back to the Mayor, and see if he'll be happy with his new mascot. Just be prepared to defend him from the other frogroolas!
Take the Friendlier Frogroola back to the Mayor, and see if he'll be happy with his new mascot. Just be prepared to defend him from the other frogroolas!
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