Village Despair / Analysis

By lordmongoose001
07/07/2009 - 10:15:49

Type: Quest adventure
Rating: 0.32 (Not rated)

Basic info
Intro message:
You arrive at your vacation home, it's raining much more than usual, and see a road ahead, might as well investigate.
Win message:
Hurray! You killed the dragon!
Lose message:
Oh no! Something bad happened! In the end, the dragon destroyed the entire village, and raised its' young to become new dragons.
ACT 1 :   The Village
You arrive at your vacation home to see something that wasn't there...
ACT 2 :   The Rainstick
Obtain a weapon and the Rainstick.
ACT 3 :   Fruit
Locate the village a second source of fruit.
ACT 4 :   Cave of Despair
Locate and enter the cave of despair.
ACT 5 :   The Dragon
Cliche dragon slaying FTW!
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