The Longest Night / Analysis

By Verdia70
07/07/2009 - 06:05:40

Type: Quest adventure
Rating: 2.12 (Good)

Basic info
Intro message:
Assist the cosmic paladin of the cold blustery planet Og'noc in defending outpost Tan Hauser from The Void. A sinister force of evil, that seeks to spread darkness across the galaxy.
Win message:
You have stopped the spread of The Void today, the cosmic paladin of Og'noc are forever in your debt.(paladins from outer space....what a silly idea :D)
Lose message:
With your failure..The Void overtakes another planet, light shines for the last time on planet Og'noc.
ACT 1 :   Darkness comes.......
The Void is staging a attack on Tanhauser from land, sea and air. Prevent The Void from establishing a beachhead.
ACT 2 :   We have a big problem
A huge mecha spider emerges from the ocean, unleashing a hail of machine gun fire and a powerful c-beam onto the shields! Destroy the Void Creeper quickly before the shields fail.
ACT 3 :   Shields down! Cover Smitty!!!
Oh no!! the shields are down!! You hear a terrifed scream, sounds like Smitty. Cover engineer Smit while he gets the shields back up.
ACT 4 :   The Valley of Light
Talk to Smitty he may have a idea on how to stop the Void
ACT 5 :   
You have defeated the legendary Holy Dragon Horse. Bring the Sunstone to engineer Smit.
ACT 6 :   

ACT 7 :   

ACT 8 :   
Crisis averted!! You've done it, the Void attack has ceased!! Talk to Engineer Smit.
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