Depths of Siuel / Analysis

By G-Bacteria
07/06/2009 - 02:00:34

Type: Quest adventure
Rating: 0.15 (Not rated)

Basic info
Intro message:
Back here again, planet Siuel, at least I have company this time!!
Win message:
I found them, but how am I going to get them out. I have know idea where I am, and I can't contact HQ!
Lose message:
The Zaptor survivors will be lost forever!
ACT 1 :   Landing
I tried to get you as close to your first landing spot as possible but it looks as though I put you in the middle of a storm, get underground quickly
ACT 2 :   Explosion
Set of the explosives
ACT 3 :   Quick
Got to get to the ship fast, before there's anther cave in!
ACT 4 :   Cryogenics Chamber
Quickly, to their last known coordinates
ACT 5 :   
Wait for it to thaw.
ACT 6 :   Where?
It's thawed and no ones in it. Look for clues of where they've gone!
ACT 7 :   Let's go!
Us the teleporter
ACT 8 :   Discovery
I found them! I should make contact.
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