Shadows / Analysis

By Luminar
07/05/2009 - 22:13:17

Type: Story adventure
Rating: 0.28 (Not rated)

Basic info
Intro message:
As soon as you enter the town, you can tell that something is far from right. You are greeted by the sight of a hushed and quivering crowd.Something tells you this will not end well...
Win message:
You've done it! Your existance is intact, and you swear to keep the memory of Danaan alive.However, a thought crosses your mind... just how many have been erased that you had once known?
Lose message:
Your memories fade from your mind, and you find it hard to recall who you are. Before long, there is nothing... and you are gone.Throughout time and space, your heroic deeds are undone...
ACT 1 :   Stasis
The town appears to be locked in time somehow. Perhaps it would be best to speak with the town mayor...
ACT 2 :   Shadows
A grave threat to the very existance of innocents is present; you must act. Inspect the town for signs of this "'flaw"'.
ACT 3 :   Schemes
A stasis generator and a spatial rift. Better report this to Llanfi...
ACT 4 :   Subversion
Take another look at the Monolith and see if you can create a distration.
ACT 5 :   Success!
The generator is going nuts - now's your chance to make a break for it!
ACT 6 :   Stuck
The rift closed! You're in serious trouble... but you thought you heard a familiar voice calling to you from the northwest residential district...
ACT 7 :   Seething
The Arbiter is attacking! Defend Danaan and yourself!
ACT 8 :   Storm
Danaan has decided to sacrifice his dying life to aid you. Don't let it be in vain...
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