The Beast / Analysis

By Melloumin
06/30/2009 - 14:28:06

Type: No genre adventure
Rating: -1 (Not rated)

Basic info
Intro message:
An unknown distress signal has been detected on Planet Gorken IV, a research planet in the frozen portion of the Orion Nebula System. Head to the planet and see what the cause of the signal is
Win message:
The creature has been defeated. However, no other signs of life are detected. As such, a report must be made that the team is dead.
Lose message:
The creature has now counted you as one of it's victims.
ACT 1 :   First Scan
Strange scans indicated a structure near here. Go see what it is.
ACT 2 :   Collecting Clues
There is some lab data nearby that may hold some key information.
ACT 3 :   New Data Recieved
Scans indicated a working computer nearby. It may be able to translate the lab data.
ACT 4 :   A Mysterious Sword
There is a strange artifact somewhere close by. Maybe it can give you a clue about what happened here.
ACT 5 :   The Beast
This must be the beast the log entry described. It needs to be killed before it claims another victim.
ACT 6 :   Self-Destruct Initiated
The planet is about to self-destruct. Get back to the Tech pad.
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