AS - Battle on the Bridge / Analysis

By Miles-McStyles
06/29/2009 - 05:22:46
Type: Attack adventure
Rating: 0.17 (Not rated)
Basic info
Intro message:
Alpha Squad has sent a request for your help! Report to Commander Miles!
Alpha Squad has sent a request for your help! Report to Commander Miles!
Win message:
Congratulations! Alpha Squad is in your debt, brave warrior!
Congratulations! Alpha Squad is in your debt, brave warrior!
Lose message:
Game over. Insert another quarter.
Game over. Insert another quarter.
ACT 1 :
Meet with Commander Miles and his squad.
Meet with Commander Miles and his squad.
ACT 2 :
Cross the bridge.Meet up with Colonel Mouth Off.
Cross the bridge.Meet up with Colonel Mouth Off.
ACT 3 :
Storm the base entrance and destroy the Bridge Turrets!
Storm the base entrance and destroy the Bridge Turrets!
ACT 4 :
Reinforcements are on the way! Retreat!
Reinforcements are on the way! Retreat!
ACT 5 :
Miles has found a side entrance to the Scar base. Meet with him on the peninsula across from the bridge.
Miles has found a side entrance to the Scar base. Meet with him on the peninsula across from the bridge.
ACT 6 :
Take Miles and his squad and enter the Scar base from its side entrance.
Take Miles and his squad and enter the Scar base from its side entrance.
ACT 7 :
Destroy everything! Defeat Dundurth Scarstrike and put an end to The Forces of Scar!
Destroy everything! Defeat Dundurth Scarstrike and put an end to The Forces of Scar!
ACT 8 :
Congratulations! You have won! After you're done enjoying the party, talk to Commander Miles to leave!
Congratulations! You have won! After you're done enjoying the party, talk to Commander Miles to leave!
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