Perfil de usuario: hiryuu89

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Fecha de registro: 11/09/2008 - 10:21:00

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Suscripciones de hiryuu89


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hiryuu89 está suscrito a 16 Sporecasts

Por treverbyn
24/12/2010 - 19:45:07

A collection of some of the most exciting cities and colonies in the entire Spore Universe.

Puntuación: 412
Tags: [template, big, featured, colony, city, cacos, alien, building, amazing, feature, station, diverse, colonies, vibrant, cities, explore, treverbyn, planet, epic, collection, spore, adventure, species, culture, temple, galactic, outpost]

15008 Suscripciones
165 Creaciones archivadas

Por Alexlabor
21/03/2013 - 19:04:45

A collection of shiny, bright and colorful creatures.

Puntuación: 1285
Tags: [beautiful, bright, shiny, glow, colorful, creature]

13005 Suscripciones
629 Creaciones archivadas

Por Kaidian
10/12/2010 - 14:57:33

This Featured Sporecast consists of Cool Creatures found on Sporepedia. Please rate up! =)

Puntuación: 1863
Tags: [hunters, insectivores, pets, featured, prey, arthropods, fauna, critter, beasts, gaseous, polyped, rodents, avian, demons, amazing, realistic, indigenous, omnivores, animals, planet-populators, exo, slug, organism, creatures, superb, epic, daemon, vertebrates, feral, mammals, herbivores, asymmetric, dragons, reptiles, devil, best, cell, alien, life, specter, dinosaurs, feature, native, xeno, creations, floater, insectoids, amphibians, predators, cool, great, triped, monster, carnivores, awesome, arachnids, kaidian, phylum, spawn, wraith, micro, species, cephalopods, fiend, quadruped, aquatic, creepy, invertebrates, wild, biped]

17933 Suscripciones
774 Creaciones archivadas

Por Kaidian
15/11/2010 - 14:13:46

This Sporecast consists of Cool Land Vehicles found on Sporepedia. Please rate up! =)

Puntuación: 313
Tags: [auto, featured, offense, spice, craft, hydrogen, amazing, realistic, stealth, military, terrain, hyper, train, superb, rail, epic, walker, fuel cell, combustion, crawler, survey, carry, drive, rover, motor, religious, colony, pod, freight, solar, best, alien, mech, bike, vehicle, grav, tripod, hover, feature, load, defend, defense, sleek, attack, gas, steam, tank, track, haul, mine, cool, electric, mobile, transport, drill, great, awesome, kaidian, scout, economic]

3843 Suscripciones
86 Creaciones archivadas

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