Perfil de usuario: Ladikos


Fecha de registro: 02/10/2010 - 13:56:00

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Suscripciones de Ladikos


Suscritos a Ladikos



Ladikos está suscrito a 12 Sporecasts

Por LookOut21
19/02/2011 - 21:26:43

This Sporecast can help you when you want to make an African-Based Adventure!

Puntuación: 2
Tags: [lookout21, zebra, africa, frog, safari, antelope, giraffe, elephant]

16 Suscripciones
50 Creaciones archivadas

Por LookOut21
19/02/2011 - 16:14:53

A Sporecast composed of the most realistic fish and aquatic animals!

Puntuación: 2
Tags: [jellyfish, ocean, sea slugs, otters, fish, penguins, river, water, whales, sea]

20 Suscripciones
70 Creaciones archivadas

Por LookOut21
19/02/2011 - 21:26:12

This Sporecast is Jam-Packed with dinosaurs and other extinct creatures!

Puntuación: 7
Tags: [lookout21, dinosaurs, extinct, triceratops, tyrannosaurus, rawr]

62 Suscripciones
119 Creaciones archivadas

Por 0-silentium-0
22/01/2011 - 20:55:37

The wonderful world of geometry in Spore!

Puntuación: 1
Tags: [oktaeder, ikosaeder, octahedron, tetraeder, würfel, tetrahedron, dodekaeder, dodecahedron, icosahedron, fußball, pyramid, soccer ball, cube, pyramide]

17 Suscripciones
53 Creaciones archivadas

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