The last of us playing spore
Fecha de registro: 28/06/2009 - 02:38:00
Suscripciones de Coldsore24
Suscritos a Coldsore24
Coldsore24 está suscrito a 8 Sporecasts
Por Kaidian
10/12/2010 - 14:57:14
This Sporecast consists of Cool Sentient Creatures found on Sporepedia. Please rate up! =)
Puntuación: 676
Tags: [featured, space-faring, tribal-stage, civilization, civ-stage, migratory, pioneer, marauder, rider, robotic, humanoids, amazing, lifeforms, realistic, terrestrial, indigenous, empire, colonies, hunter, hominids, superb, epic, godlike, ancient, races, domain, intergalactic, allies, galactic, sentient, traders, best, global, alien, invader, mech, sentients, omnipotent, feature, native, parallel, xeno, settler, dimension, universal, cool, symbiotic, enemies, colonists, great, intelligent, awesome, artificial, kaidian, explorers, space-stage, biped, entity]

Por Borginzorg
25/02/2009 - 01:41:40
A selection of cool looking structures!
Puntuación: 7
Tags: [town, city, building, structure]

Por ROLFOCopter
21/07/2010 - 01:37:57
An adventure filled with the creepiest and darkest Adventures in the sporepedia. All quality tested!
Puntuación: 4

Por Pezzalis
18/09/2010 - 00:24:36
All my building sets :) Want a set? Go here: http://forum.spore.com/jforum/posts/list/63359.page
Puntuación: 16
Tags: [ucrt, urt, pezzalis, pezbsets]