Perfil de usuario: AzruPL

The spice must flow!

Fecha de registro: 03/09/2008 - 08:37:00

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Suscripciones de AzruPL


Suscritos a AzruPL



AzruPL está suscrito a 12 Sporecasts

Por AileenaSnow
04/09/2008 - 09:07:49

This is a Sporecast to collect all the creatures I hope to see in my game by other creators! =)

Puntuación: 24
Tags: [favorites, featured, feature, creators, picks, best, favorite]

124 Suscripciones
256 Creaciones archivadas

Por Ceece
11/09/2008 - 20:41:01

This is a Sporecast made up of only evolved cell creatures.

Puntuación: 250
Tags: [cells, creatures, starters, cute, early]

1429 Suscripciones
992 Creaciones archivadas

Por AileenaSnow
14/09/2008 - 07:22:40

This is a collection of my favorite buildings by other creators! =) .

Puntuación: 23
Tags: [favorites, factory, creator, city, entertainment, creators, center, hall, favorite, house, building, playable]

154 Suscripciones
110 Creaciones archivadas

Por AileenaSnow
14/09/2008 - 07:20:44

These are my favorite CIvilization Stage Vehicles by other creators! =) .

Puntuación: 23
Tags: [favorites, plane, creator, car, creators, flying, land, favorite, playable, vehicle]

113 Suscripciones
90 Creaciones archivadas

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