Perfil de usuario: Aardvark123

Gender equality and quirky adventures by the peck.

Fecha de registro: 05/03/2016 - 15:04:00

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Suscripciones de Aardvark123


Suscritos a Aardvark123



Aardvark123 está suscrito a 20 Sporecasts

Por ZamOfDarkness
22/12/2021 - 21:10:17

A list with adventures that gives 70-79 points. If you want another range you can find them.

Puntuación: 7
Tags: [reward, a, maxis, more, many, point, points, adventure, lot, score, 70+, a lot, 70, adventures]

159 Suscripciones
585 Creaciones archivadas

Por ZamOfDarkness
22/12/2021 - 21:10:23

A list with adventures that gives 80-89 points. If you want another range you can find them.

Puntuación: 10
Tags: [reward, a, maxis, more, many, point, points, adventure, lot, score, 80+, a lot, 80, adventures]

183 Suscripciones
553 Creaciones archivadas

Por ZamOfDarkness
22/12/2021 - 21:10:28

A list with adventures that gives 90-100 points. If you want another range you can find them.

Puntuación: 24
Tags: [reward, a, maxis, more, many, point, points, adventure, lot, 100, score, 90+, a lot, 90, adventures]

339 Suscripciones
637 Creaciones archivadas

Por Parkaboy
17/02/2010 - 01:57:36

Just to make easier to download adventures!

Puntuación: 183
Tags: [adventure, parkaboy, adventures]

2820 Suscripciones
53 Creaciones archivadas

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