Magnitos Knight

Por Benjami
26/07/2024 - 05:50:27

Tipo: Capitán
Puntuación: 10 (Bueno)
Tags: gaprop


Magnitos Knights are what the knights from the Order of Last Impact are called. They serve the Queendom under the Court of Working Worlds, much like their sister order, the Order of Metal and Might. These two Orders mainly serve in the central sectors of the Xocal?Inac Queendom, with Magnitos Knights specifically being in charge of defending the Forges, a common nickname for the string of four star systems in the Queendom?s heart, producing over 70% of its large-scale machinery. It is these systems that produce the famed warships that are often seen in times of crusade.

Being based in the beating heart of the Queendom?s industry has certain perks for a Knight Order. There is a reason that Magnitos Knights are best recognized by the size of their massive warhammers that would normally be quite unwieldy for battle. The shipyards on the Forges manufacture plenty of Constants, the devices that most spaceships in Benjami?s Galaxy use for artificial gravity and for the negation of harmful g-forces. At one point in history, a curious xocal knight noticed that such gravity-manipulation devices could allow for some quite powerful weapon designs.

Thus the Rite of Mass Perspection was created. Knights who complete this ritual challenge, exclusive to the Order of Last Impact, gain the ability to control the Constant built within their weapon. Whereas the Mek Knights can control drones like they were extensions of their arms, Magnitos Knights can freely control the weight of the weapon they wield. One can swing a hammer the size of one?s own body like a mere stick, and yet have it deliver the weight of a building at the moment of impact.

Needless to say, their raw power in close-quarters battle makes Magnitos Knights highly formidable opponents. That said, there are limits to Mass Perspection?s weight manipulation, and it is only through rigorous training that one can achieve the feats that give Magnitos Knights their fame. Not to mention the challenge portion of the Soul Rite. The exact details are unknown, but stories tend to allude to the idea that a Magnitos Knight-To-Be has to build their own weapon, Constant and all, and in order to be worthy of its power, form a bond with the Constant by using its powers of gravity manipulation on their own bodies. Just how extreme this challenge is, is known only by those who have undergone it. But considering how few Magnitos Knights there are in comparison to the Court?s population, it?s probably not easy.



puntos ADN
63 Huesos2 Pies2 Manos
Dieta: Carnívoro
Salud: +4
8 %
100 %
11 / 20
9 / 20
4 / 15
2 / 54 / 50 / 5
5 / 51 / 54 / 5
4 / 54 / 50 / 5
0 / 50 / 5

Por RG4327

Executioner Smough would be jealous of that hammer!

Por Miikka64

Now THAT is one big, menacing hammer. The ability to manipulate its weight at will to deliver an attack on an oblivious foe... one moment you're fighting; the next you're orbiting the planet you were just on, squashed like a bug that hit the windshield.


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