
Por Benjami
31/03/2024 - 17:18:29

Tipo: Capitán
Puntuación: -2.14 (Malo)
Tags: gaprop, shadowbuzzer



The alarm blared. He had been spotted. Drat.

Shabuz took off in a sprint down the corridor. He?d only have a limited time to see this mission through. It wouldn?t be long before Antanne Corp would send reinforcements, considering how their Quantum-Genesis enhanced ships didn?t seem so restricted to the whims of the Currents.

?Shabuz, why do I sense increased movement in the facility? You didn?t set off the alarms, did you??

?Shut it, you oversized balloon.? Shabuz muttered seemingly to himself as he ran. He passed by multiple reinforcer doors. Just how many ?specimens? did they keep in this place? He could see scratches on the floor, and scorch marks on the walls. Many had tried to resist, but since the facility was still operational, it was clear none had managed to escape. Not yet.

Finally, a clearing. Shabuz entered a large hall, with a guard tower in the centre. But he was not alone; as the alarms kept blaring, security personnel began to flood the hall. Behind him, he could hear the door closing shut, as protective barriers were erected in front of it. A trap.

?Unless you want to fry, surrender, and leave- agh!?

Before he could finish, a hail of projectiles were unleashed at his position. Shabuz ducked down, making himself a smaller target, and projected a magnetic field before him. Conserving energy would be essential here, as this would likely become a fight of attrition at this rate. Not ideal. Antanne Corp would have way more resources than him. He needed to think of a plan.

Shabuz leaped in the air, latching to the nearby wall by charging his hand with electromagnetism. It would only take a moment for the security personnel to recalibrate their aim, but this moment let Shabuz survey his opponents. Quite an assembly of krups, kuh-makeens and droids. The guard tower also had some personnel, and as it happened, the tower had some big guns, turning towards his position. That might do the trick.

Reversing the pull he generated from his body against the wall, Shabuz launched himself over the mass of hostiles, while sending out a lightning bolt down on the ground, frying about a third of the krups and briefly stunning the machinery. He landed on top of the guard tower.

He then pushed his palm on the ceiling of the tower, and began to generate electricity. The strands at the back of his head rose to the air, with rings of electricity coursing through them. The air around him became charged as small metal items in the hall began to rise in the air.

The kuh-makeen technicians and the hover drones rose in the air to match his elevation, but it was too late. As his static-field enforced claws burrowed into the structure, his threads of electromagnetism took hold of the turrets strapped to the tower. He took aim, and sent electric signals to the machinery, telling it to fire. And so it did.

?More are arriving at your location any moment now.? Came the voice in his mind. Thanks to their unique connection, they didn?t need any devices to communicate between distances.

?I know!? He responded, while directing the tower?s gun machines to blast down the drones surrounding him. The drones began to fire, to which he responded by lifting armoured plates of the tower to float around him, serving as shields. Controlling both the gun and his shields took all his concentration, however. He had nothing he could do against the krup soldiers climbing up the tower towards him.

?This is getting out of hand. I?m coming to your location.?

?Don?t you blarbing dare! I?ve got this handled!?

?I?m already on my way, angry one. Give me an opening.?

Ah, damnit. The balloon was right, more reinforcements began to flood in as latches on the walls opened up to release more security droids. It would only be a matter of time before they unleashed the specimens. Killing them would defeat the very purpose of this visit.



puntos ADN
45 Huesos2 Pies2 Manos
Dieta: Carnívoro
Salud: +5
26 %
66.33 %
13 / 20
6 / 20
0 / 15
1 / 53 / 50 / 5
4 / 50 / 50 / 5
4 / 53 / 50 / 5
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Por Miikka64

But speaking of the War of the Gods, I had a question: do you have any ideas about the origin of Kaktus00's DarkSpode?

Por Miikka64

Kuh-Suurius mentioned! Great to see ShadowBuzzer/Shabuz again, he was quite the mystery even before becoming ShadoRux. Him being connected to the Pilgrim was not something I'd ever expect, but Shabuz did lend a hand during the War of the Gods.

Por ArtyomZulg


Por lennotonlisko

En ehtinyt tekeen sitä kuh-makeenia koska mun täytyy lopettaa spore):l Tavataan taas joskus.

Por lennotonlisko

En ehtinyt tekeen sitä kuh-makeenia koska mun täytyy lopettaa spore):l Tavataan taas joskus.

Por Kaktus00


Por Kaktus00

joku vyndarvill on käy ttäny mun templatee. siis se teki siitä MAHTAVAN O:

Por Benjami

Yhyy tein tästä vahingossa liian monimutkaisen tähän ei mahdu enään osia vaikka kehittäisin tätä ;(


Oli mun eka suom. seikkailu!


Oliko? Kiitos simona!

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