Por 321Aerobird
14/03/2023 - 03:10:19
Tipo: Criatura
Puntuación: 0.08 (No puntuado)
Tags: 321aerobird, adult, ave, bee, bird, blue, bonja, cute, green, hummingbird, insects, male, nectar, pink, realistic, red, small, smallest, tail, vibrant, white
SCIENTIFIC NAME: Mellisuga helenae
DIET: nectar, insects and spiders
INFO: This small bird is part of the Trochilidae Family which consists of hummingbirds. The Bee Hummingbird is the smallest bird of the Hummingbird Family and of all birds in the world. This small hummingbird exhibits sexual dimorphism. The male has red on his head/throat, iridescent bluish-green plumage, white on the belly and black wings/beak/legs/feet. The female also has iridescent blueish-green plumage, white on the face/neck/belly and black on the top of the head/wings/beak/legs/feet. The iridescent plumage of the male and the female can be dull when seen at different angles. The juvenile looks like the female.
BREEDING: The male will court the female by doing a steep dive and with the dive, his tail feathers will make a sound. The female will decide if he will father her chicks. The female alone chooses the territory, makes the nest, incubates the two eggs, broods the chicks and feeds them. The incubation lasts 21 days and the chicks leave the nest at about 18 days.
SOUNDS: high-pitched buzzy chirps, chips and whistles
NOTES: This small bird can live up to seven years in the wild and ten years in captivity.
SOURCE(S): https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Bee_hummingbird
ATTENTION: You may use this creation, but please only keep 321Aerobird in the tags to give credit.
Credit to Bonja for the floating template.
puntos ADN
36 Huesos | 0 Pies | 0 Manos |
Salud: +3
Sociabilidad 8 / 20 | Agresividad 7 / 20 | Habilidad 0 / 15 |
4 / 5 | 3 / 5 | 0 / 5 |
0 / 5 | 1 / 5 | 0 / 5 |
4 / 5 | 3 / 5 | 0 / 5 |
0 / 5 | 0 / 5 |
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