Por 321Aerobird
13/10/2022 - 03:06:26
Tipo: Criatura
Puntuación: 0.04 (No puntuado)
Tags: 321aerobird, adult, ave, bird, bonja, boot, booted, cute, female, green, hummingbird, insects, juvenile, nectar, racket, realistic, tail, white
DISTRIBUTION: Colombia, Ecuador, and Venezuela
DIET: nectar and insects
INFO: The White-booted racket-tail is a part of the Trochilidae Family that consists of Hummingbirds. This species exhibits sexual dimorphism. Though both have green iridescent plumage. The male has two long blue-colored, racket-shaped tail feathers and white leg puffs. The female has white on her belly, a shorter tail (lacks the rackets) and white leg puffs (they are smaller than the male?s).
BREEDING: Like most hummingbirds, the male only contributes his genetic information to the next generation. The female chooses a nesting spot and makes a small cup. She lays two eggs, incubates them, and feeds the two chicks a mixture of nectar/insects. The chicks will fledge and the mother will feed them. After a while, they will be on their own.
SOUNDS: high sweet trill and single high-pitched notes.
NOTES: I discovered this hummingbird species on youtube and found it quite fascinating to make on spore.
SOURCE(S): https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/White-booted_racket-tail
Credit to Bonja for the floating template.
puntos ADN
36 Huesos | 0 Pies | 0 Manos |
Salud: +3
Sociabilidad 8 / 20 | Agresividad 7 / 20 | Habilidad 0 / 15 |
4 / 5 | 3 / 5 | 0 / 5 |
0 / 5 | 1 / 5 | 0 / 5 |
4 / 5 | 3 / 5 | 0 / 5 |
0 / 5 | 0 / 5 |
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