Ask Locust! 2
No puntuado
Por spksoulja
30/05/2022 - 21:31:20
Tipo: Vehículo espacial
Puntuación: 0.06 (No puntuado)
Tags: orignal template by auroradragoness
Kepri: Do you have a cruuuuush? (And if so, than who! Plz tell!) ;D
Locust: umm... actually i don't and good thing i haven't so, Okapi told me that Love is hard and folks can tend to cheat on you, you see Okapi doesn't want to at all, and your pretty btw.
Contáctanos en
Por AuroraDragoness
Kepri: I used to like Vulcan, before I saw Darkstalker. That was when I realized he was ugly...,,,,,
Por AuroraDragoness
Kepri: Thx! l3
Por spksoulja
Locust: your always welcome!
Por AuroraDragoness
Me: I have a HUUUUUUUUUGE crush on Wasp, I wanna touch her pretty, delicate wingssssss--- O.O
Por AuroraDragoness
Kepri: Oh, thankyouuu~.