Seraph Battlesuit
No puntuado

Por nogoodnames
17/08/2016 - 06:37:49

Tipo: Vehículo espacial
Puntuación: 0 (No puntuado)
Tags: exoskeleton, freedom, mech, sonari


The Seraphim are the elite of the elite in the sonari ground forces. Loyal beyond question, they fight with all-consuming zeal. The armour they wear represents the pinnacle of sonari close quarters combat technology. It is powered by seven independent micro-reactors and features a starship-grade active shielding system. While the "wings" on the suit's back may be mistaken as ornamental, they actually serve a vital function. They are, in fact, extremely efficient radiators, without which the suit would quickly overheat. They are one of the few weak points on the armour, and Seraphim are often deployed in squads of three or more so they can fully cover each other's backs. There are many tales of Seraphim with damaged radiators disabling the suit's safety shutdowns and continuing to fight until they are literally cooked alive inside. Rumours that the suits feature an AI programmed to learn the occupant's fighting style and take over should they attempt to disengage from combat are heresy of the highest order and should be treated as such.


Por TheShipBuilder

You lurking about? Wanna do a ship contest? http://forum.spore.com/jforum/posts/list/86866.page

Por TheShipBuilder

Welcome back!

Por HRmatthew

Nice posing. The head reminds me of Bastion from OW.

Por TheShipBuilder

very interesting effect with those wings. Nice work!

Por BIazingStar

It wasn't actually intentional, that part just always has a circle like that when you paint it

Por nogoodnames

This has been a long time coming. Had to sacrifice a lot of the details I had planned to upload it, but I'm happy with the result.


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