
Por HRmatthew
01/08/2016 - 04:09:46

Tipo: Vehículo espacial
Puntuación: 5 (Bueno)
Tags: gaprop, hrmatthew, maraudercontestmm


The contest has now officially ended. Judging is now in progress; resuls should be out within 5 days! This should go without saying, but all entries cannot be modified from their current state, and NO ENTRIES WILL BE ACCEPTED ANYMORE.


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Por LucasMaximus1311

Good luck to everyone. This contest has churned out some of the most unique and crazy vehicles I have ever seen on Spore!

Por julius2401

OH WAIT!Sorry I done that but I forgot to click update after that I will do that right now

Por julius2401

Thx for giving me some tips but what did you mean with your last comment on my tank contest creation?I've put the link to get to the tank contest in the Sporum in the description

Por TheBarnetts

I should be on more now that I know the community and servers are still up! Especially if I get my expansion packs back.

Por RedRaptor25

Well, I hope I did good.

Por mphst82

4 months and a lot of "inspiration" managed to pump out some of my favorite creations; in the words of The Grateful Dead, what a long, strange trip it's been. Congrats to the winners and good luck to everyone in future contests!

Por Mavor

Delete: Although I do feel very sorry for all the entries you will have to judge. I can't imagine how you are going to have to split hairs to get the winners.

Por Mavor

Delete: I am so tempted to spam the thread every hour with a "Are you done yet" post. BBut I realize that would not only satisfy my twisted sense of humor. But probabbly get me banned. Great contest! I hope that it is not your last.

Por julius2401

I am so excited! :D

Por SapientSpeciesX


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