No puntuado

Por Joey02
06/07/2016 - 23:54:18

Tipo: Vehículo espacial
Puntuación: 0 (No puntuado)
Tags: joey02, patrick, spongebob, too much time on my hands, wumbo


It's first grade, Spongebob!


Por 10wamp

''I wumbo, you wumbo.

Por UlyssesK402

You know, after the matinance that lasted for months, I was starting to miss you. If I remember correctly, you were the one who told me how to make A-Symetrical creations in non-building editors. Keep going, don't stop. Make more great creations.

Por UlyssesK402

Spongebob: I don't think that "Wumbo" is a word. Patrick: Don't you know? Wumbo? I Wumbo you, and you Wumbo me?

Por HatArchangel

Great job on the face C:


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