Buying GA on STEAM
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Por RedBugRed
17/05/2016 - 15:25:37

Tipo: Vehículo espacial
Puntuación: -1 (No puntuado)


? Is it hard?


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Por Vupis92

OH YOU USE STEAM (I dont really know you but stumbled upon this while looking at your rainbow creation xP) Were you able to get GA to work? I got CnC from there and i cant seeem to upload or download and spore.com says i dont own it

Por Clumpy10

Hey! I see you're online. (somewhat) So.. How're you? :)

Por Clumpy10

One of my rl friends were in different classes in 5th grade and luckily, she moved to my class and we had a great year.

Por Clumpy10

I have no friends at this school I'm going to.. well.. maybe 1, but I'm not sure..

Por Clumpy10

When you said that, that reminded me of me when I'm tired of kids at school. They're all stupid there. Ugh.

Por Clumpy10

Ah. That's what happens when you get jealous. I got jealous a few months ago and I left for reasons. :P

Por Clumpy10

May I ask how'd you get in a conflict with your friend? It's okay if you don't wanna tell. I'm just curious.

Por Clumpy10

Yep! Since I'm constantly bored on here, I decide to go back to creating those! ^^

Por Clumpy10

Yeah! Glad to see you again! I also got in a conflict with two friends, but everything's fine now. Everything's back to normal. xD

Por Clumpy10

That's weird. Does it show on Spore.com on my profile under my avatar? o.o

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