The Chang Empire (EP7)
No puntuado

Por JonathanThor
26/02/2015 - 09:24:55

Tipo: Aventura de ataque
Puntuación: 0 (No puntuado)
Tags: emperor chang, the champions of the emperor, the chang empire, the merciful


Commander Kalma informs you about a competition that the Emperor has agreed to petition himself. The strongest warriors across the universe have come wide and far to prove themselves to become the Champion of the Emperor. Perhaps this is your chance...

Capturas de pantalla


Por JonathanThor

I almost defeated the Boss Act! I just needed to recover mana.. and I could have won in 2 hits...

Por JonathanThor

But 3 more episodes till this series is over!!!

Por JonathanThor

This one is very choppy...


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