Glad Eater
No puntuado

Por ericDartist
17/06/2013 - 20:35:18

Tipo: Aventura de historia
Puntuación: 0.07 (No puntuado)
Tags: cook, stadium


You and a friend have been invited to a BBQ, yum!

Capturas de pantalla


Por JonathanThor

Easy... mwhahaha... Never noticed those heads though lol XD

Por Meowimotto

I love all the heads mounted on the walls- it adds so much character to the adventure!

Por Monckat

Great adventure, I love all the aliens in the lobby and the hilarious things they say!

Por 96Stormvermin

Nice to see you back, man! This, like all of your other stuff is really good. r !

Por BanjoKazooie23

This is an awesome adventure!

Por Monckat

Looks awesome, I'll try it as soon as I can!


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