Por zillafire10113/10/2012 - 00:50:20
Tipo: Vehículo espacialPuntuación: 15 (Bueno)
Por annedeboeck Mortox and Terrox are both childeren of the Evermind, so Lord Mortox III and his bodyguard, Dronox commander Olumox, will join the Alpha to rescue King Terrox.
Por annedeboeck Is is possible to place some Meeno Grox servants and Bacheon Chogor in the final battle against the Omega as support?
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Por annedeboeck
Mortox and Terrox are both childeren of the Evermind, so Lord Mortox III and his bodyguard, Dronox commander Olumox, will join the Alpha to rescue King Terrox.
Por annedeboeck
Is is possible to place some Meeno Grox servants and Bacheon Chogor in the final battle against the Omega as support?