Triangle on the Ground
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Por noname117
13/06/2012 - 02:48:09

Tipo: Aventura sin género
Puntuación: -1 (No puntuado)
Tags: noname117, picwarvi, ufo


(Just Pics, DONT PLAY!) at the exact same time the Kramans are escorting a damaged UFO to Area 42, the Targerians have their own dilemma with the triangular UFO. MIC

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Por _Cepholapoid_

UNF "Calypso" Radio Control: We have a small carrier group ready to help if needed. We have also dispatched an aircraft to invistigate, so we are asking if it could enter your airspace, it might look a bit different than you expect.

Por 5Stramlor31

Ks-5 Pilot 1: Ve-ry-well. We-shall-leave-at-once. May-we-al-ways-be-al-lies.

Por 5Stramlor31

Ks-5 Pilot 1: The Atgonderrians once said the same thing about us because of our military power.

Por noname117

G: Sorry, got something else, something BIGGER, to focus on. going to have t cut the call, for I am thinking we may lose theobject.

Por noname117

cont. It is better to be safe then take the chance at having something scientific to study. The object is mostly intact, BTW... Uh oh!

Por noname117

G: If we had let it keep flying, who knows whose hands it would be in now. What if it was an invasion craft, and if it had successfully landed we would all become slaves?

Por 5Stramlor31

Ks-4 Pilot 1: The-ob-ject-could-have-been-of-great-stu-dy. Gen-er-al, please-un-der-stand.

Por noname117

G: This is the head of the Targerian armed forces! I gave the order to shoot down the object. You have no control over what is not shot down in Targerian airspace.

Por 5Stramlor31

Ks-4 Pilot 3: Tar-ger-i-an-squa-drons, you-have-vi-o-la-ted-an-or-der-not-to-shoot-down-ob-ject!

Por noname117

HFA: We have reason to believe that they also shot down a UFO and are currently recovering it. Two subs have been sent to spy on the fleet, and Ginover is diving down to try to find debris.

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