Caelum VII

Por Cerrethio
23/05/2012 - 21:48:21

Tipo: Vehículo espacial
Puntuación: 5 (Bueno)
Tags: "discovery2012", caelum, cerrethio, codrexx, final contest, flight, jax181, orbit, outer space, seven, sporenaissance, technology, tenethor-qu


My first entry to the contest, the first manned Tenethor-Qu vessel to break out of Kzu-Tahk's atmosphere. Now presenting the Caelum VII, an honored piece of technology, and one of the Tenethor-Qu's proudest posessions.


Por AnsjeDark

Great spaceship to explore the galaxy!

Por AnsjeDark

My goodness, the search engine works again, adding your entry to the SC right now :)

Por BrokenEyeReborn

RE: The "maybe some solitaire" line was meant to suggest that its okay (and in fact, recommended) to go do something else while you wait


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