ACX-509 'Blackout'
No puntuado

Por Xenopologist
09/10/2011 - 01:53:03

Tipo: Vehículo espacial
Puntuación: 0.23 (No puntuado)
Tags: lolsporecreating, wooooooooo spaceship, xenopologist


Stealth interceptor. Has a lot of pointy bits.


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Por Xystos2

Looks very fast and agile. Cool colors and wings.

Por SapphireFlame

This, I like. More ships should be like this.

Por hacksavv

Very good. I like how the thrusters seem to meld in with the wings.

Por Freezdried

Very nice detailing. I'd say it's a keeper!

Por Lazerez


Por DagronIrys

Pointy bits means stealth right? Excellent ship, great color and surfaces. R+

Por techtor

cool! looks really sneaky!

Por FrogieLachie007L

Awesome Xeno! This has got to be my favourite space ship on Spore :)! R

Por david2704

Can you please enter my 2 contests....3 contests all ready pasted....so look out for the due date to see if it is over or not.=)

Por SlavesofOpar

Nice use of parts. Like the
"wing" setup alot. Looks great!

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