Clark and Stanley's Throne
No puntuado

Por Ultimatealien10
24/09/2011 - 06:03:19

Tipo: Aventura de socialización
Puntuación: 0.03 (No puntuado)
Tags: and, blow, boom, clark, clark's, comedy, explode, explosion, fun, hilarious, maxis, meteor, mine, not, stanley, stanley's, throne, up


Clark and Stanley have found a throne, but who put it there?

Capturas de pantalla


Por WaCkO101

This was easy and funny! Why are people downrating?

Por Ultimatealien10

Wow, people are so stupid... they downrate it because they don't know to get away from the barrels before they explode.

Por Metagirl

Lolz It wasn't that hard. All you have to do is get far away from the barrels and mines after you talk to clark.


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