8-Bit Companion Cube
No puntuado

Por Hybrid-X13
20/08/2011 - 23:22:28

Tipo: Vehículo espacial
Puntuación: 0.49 (No puntuado)
Tags: 8-bit, companion cube, got up to 1mpn, hybrid-x13, pixels, portal, portal 2


An 8-bit version of the Companion Cube from Portal 1 and 2.


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Por artysan822

The Aperture Science Testing Facility reminds you that your Weighted Companion Cube will never threaten to stab you and in fact, cannot speak.

Por RandomCreaturez

My friend made one of these for me in Minecraft as a birthday gift :D

Por Ge1iON

like your pixel art creation. Is there any tutorials on this subject, or you do it yourself?

Por TheExthrose

Thanks for you comment! This. Is. Awesome! I love Portal!

Por Gemini00

gotta love companion cube :)

Por Snurris

This was a triumph...im making a note here HUGE succes..

Por Squash349

I wuv Portal. ^^ Awesome job!

Por Smashgoat

omg! So cute! xD You made this really well!

Por Ddogx

Hey i got a gift for you check it out.

Por Ooglioknacktid

Haha, that's so cool. You got the shape just right. Good to 'see' you again Hybrid.

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