The Forever Story
No puntuado

Por starExplorer12
19/08/2011 - 18:45:35

Tipo: Aventura de exploración
Puntuación: 0 (No puntuado)
Tags: journey, longest, tale, theforeverstory, travel, waiting


Part 117 3 Days Remain: After exploring the wilderness for a while Stire picks up a signal across the river while this seemingly empty world is about to have visitors.

Capturas de pantalla


Por SooperWalrus

to do. We'll see.

Por SooperWalrus

Ohhh, I just realized something. With the ending I have planned for the Corruption and your description of what happens in "15 days" I could tie in, although it'd defy some logic. And I'd have to change the ending I have now, which I don't know if I wish

Por USGCommander

Ok I'll have it done soon

Por USGCommander

yup, Just have too add the writing and test drive it a few times

Por USGCommander

and the Alons reaction to the USG would be friendly

Por USGCommander

Ok but what are you going to use them for?

Por USGCommander

Why do you need the Alons? The way I figure it, your galaxy has too much visitors from my galaxy. I'm not saying no though

Por USGCommander

Sure fine with me


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