Pro's Backyard (Elmakt Edition)
No puntuado

Por mario91100
31/07/2011 - 22:25:59

Tipo: Aventura de exploración
Puntuación: 0 (No puntuado)
Tags: backyard, explore, ga, skill


Climb to the very top of your backyard! If you can't come up with a bazijillion ideas from this level, then you have no imagination at all. Requires jump. Glide is optinal, but recomended. High speed needed. V1.5: Golden Elmakt update! Look for him!

Capturas de pantalla


Por Flotsum

It's like that because of where I put the strike

Por sparx1117


Por sparx1117

I have no idea why it happened! I restarted Spore and it said there was a bod save game

Por thebarkingcat



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