Thriller Pig
No puntuado

Por gamemaster98
26/07/2011 - 16:04:49

Tipo: Vehículo espacial
Puntuación: 0.02 (No puntuado)
Tags: michael jackson, minecraft, pig, pure awesome, thriller


At first this was going to be about the evil pigs of Old Port Zero, but then this glitch happened and I rolled with it XD


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Por secondlook

it looks like a pig from minecraft XD

Por SabreMel

Remember when I dug that hole in the ground on the hotel? Or when my house caught on fire?

Por SabreMel

I remember Old Port Zero. Good ol times.

Por SabreMel


Por Semerone

Funny! :D

Por Dalan

XD Sometimes you make funny stuff when you kinda get glitches, huh?

Por ShadowRaptor101

...it's dancing Thriller...so, why is he wearing a Smooth Criminal hat? XD

Por pettamapossum

Good god, you are too awesome! XD

Por huntmbROCKS

Pigman saddle pid THRILLER pig

Por DreadTribe

......Truly......no words can desscribe this XD

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