The New World Leader
No puntuado
Por Brokenglass86
06/07/2011 - 21:17:53
Tipo: Edificio de ayuntamiento
Puntuación: 0 (No puntuado)
Tags: bored, brokenglass86, facebook, joke, zombie
*This is a joke*
90% of the population is on facebook and the 10% who aren't can't afford a computer. Even I'm on facebook. It knows all our secrets, all our opinions, and keeps track of our friends and relationships. It is all knowing and all powerful.
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Por dbtracerbullet
Tu betise, im not on facebook
Por headastator
Im not on facebook, lol!
I think it's more like 40% of the population though.
That's why I don't use Facebook!XD
Por GamePlayer20000
Naw, the govorment Invented the internet so that they could control us better.
Por brettspongebob
My profile picture? Which one, the dragon I have now of the red and white one I had yesterday? and thanks.
Por Kaktus00
Thanks. ^^
Por tomographics
Try moving the white parts out (towards the camera) from the blue a little bit. This will mean that surface of the white block facing us is not touch the surface of the blue block facing us.
Por tomographics
I have not view this in the editor yet but this is what happens if i do the same thing.
Por tomographics
Do you mind if i give you a quick tip as to why your pngs when it comes to the writing on the porsche logo and the F for this facebook one?\ look bad?
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