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Por yorokobu
03/07/2011 - 13:30:49

Tipo: Edificio de casa
Puntuación: 0 (No puntuado)
Tags: yorokobu


Happiness is as a butterfly which when pursued, is always beyond our grasp; but which if you will sit down quietly, may alight upon you.I recently received a book about Happiness from a friend. My new creations will be inspirations from that book. ???This is a gift for my good friend dragockon, who always spreads happiness and kindness on Spore. ??????????????


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Por KasandraWredna

No way! Is it realy possible to do this kind of building in Spore editor? Its hard to believe. Love it!

Por RosalieCreation

Your creations just make me happy! Haha.. Very cute and colorfull! =D!!

Por RosalieCreation

Your creations just make me happy! Haha.. Very cute and colorfull! l3

Por Lily09

Ok... You rock at making whatever these creations are... Trophies, representations, I have no clue!

Por SuporeMaster

This gives very much inspiration... 'cause it's awesomesauce! ;)

Por Jonnigirl

Ill never know how you keep your cool with all these theives and mass downraters around *couph cough Sharpy63(newly Sharples88)* But I salute to you and never give in to the haters!!!!!!!!!!!!

Por buckeymaster

:O its awsome and yes sister can be VERY anoying

Por cyrilrock101

*Best in

Por cyrilrock101

Thnx, I specilize in SSE

Por cyrilrock101

The detail above it is fantastic! =D

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