Epic Dino Template 2
No puntuado

Por edmundpjc
20/12/2010 - 13:55:52

Tipo: Plantilla de aventura
Puntuación: 0.06 (No puntuado)
Tags: cormorana, cretaceous, dinosaur, edmundpjc, epic, prehistoric, prehistory


Another GA epic dino template for everyone to use! This time, it is in Patagonia where you have the giant dinosaurs.

Capturas de pantalla


Por ClaudiusMaximus5

Awesome! Epic!

Por scartalon1999

can i use this for some MHtri adventures?

Por fishboy102

I think I might borrow this. PS Please tell me how to make your captin an epic!

Por Looney98

SORRY! I chose the wrong one!

Por Looney98

Can I use this for an adventure I am making? And can I also make sure it's ok to borrow this for future refrencees?

Por meteorshowers

Can I borrow the epic dino template?


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