UBD_The Pit of Evil
No puntuado

Por Jadynna
22/10/2010 - 12:40:10

Tipo: Edificio de casa
Puntuación: 0 (No puntuado)
Tags: evil, ghosttown2010, jadynna, pit, ubd, underground by design, ~ please see in editor form detail not in png~


The Pit of Evil is from whense the flow of the evil erupts a from where the change from living to undead begins. It is said to have opened from the very ground itself after a strange object fell from the sky a soon The Pit of Evil from came from below.


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Por seanswed

MAN THATS SO COOL i wish i had a freind

Por the-13

can i use it for a atv?

Por EarthlingPUY

looks like dinner to me

Por squatney

Awesome firey pit of blood.R

Por QueenBeth

Grusome and bloody but cool idea and well done.

Por AaronMk

What is this doing with a red face? I guess it matches the beautiful crimson life-water. Rated up. ;)

Por typomazoku

Thanks for the comment you left on my destroyed lifepod too. That really made my day! Your creations are quite wonderful too!

Por typomazoku

I love that skeletal hand! Great color scheme for evil too. ^_^

Por OldRygel

Remind me not to buy that soup. LOL - great job!!!

Por mycatgetshigh

it's Campbell's chunky handmeat soup. piping hot i see, too. very nice work, i love tomato soup:) goes great with grilled fingercheese sandwiches.

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