SMC Nebula Custom
No puntuado


Por delayedreaction
06/10/2010 - 07:23:47

Tipo: Vehículo económico terrestre
Puntuación: 0.94 (No puntuado)
Tags: cherrybomb68contest, classic, delayedreaction, hotrod, nebula, smc


Loud and proud :)

Ver. 1.1 by delayedreaction for the CB68 Hotrod Contest


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Por darkangel192


Por Master Joblo

You talented bastard...

Por jman52

awesomw. I love leadsleds

Por CherryBomb68

Yeah man, i think my exhaust technique would look sick on something like this, and various other hot rods, or if you where building just an engine

Por jookur

Full of win.

Por tuinahvuni

Oh man, now that is the sweetest ride I've seen in awhile :)

Por CaptianLuke

WOW thats freakin good

Por Hilight

man that is good looking stuff R+!

Por hootie880

you make some cool car's i love the motor!

Por Driekbok

Beautiful car..And awesome engine ;)

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