Equator C78r

Por carbon493
29/08/2010 - 03:45:11

Tipo: Vehículo militar terrestre
Puntuación: 3.09 (Bueno)
Tags: carbon493, equator motorsports


Powered by a twin-turbo V8, the 78 produces 620 horsepower and 575lb-ft of torque above 1500rpm. Part of Equator's new r super-performance division. Woo-hoo~ it's greened and 12th MPN for vehicles!


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Por 95screenname13

I really love your work. You have very great designs on all of your vehicles!

Por mteunisse

Great car! It looks really powerfull! Thanks for your comment!

Por Q_boy1463

great car... i actually have 10 subs now!

Por alien7249

hi i have created the Drak Alliance Clan and am looking for members, we are a clan for all kinds of creators and have our own forum. would you be interested in joining?

Por sllythe8

hey im thinking about making a spore "phone book" full of little known creators and i'm going to put you in for cars any creators (who are not popular) you now who is really god at something?

Por sllythe8

looks great!

Por Shibby1313

Great job! Awesome paint R+

Por CloudyVision

Nice car.

Por Kyte636

Sweet ride! R+

Por Ecko0IXth

awesome one ;)

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