No puntuado

Por ericDartist
02/08/2010 - 23:37:02

Tipo: Aventura de defensa
Puntuación: 0.1 (No puntuado)
Tags: abduct, abducted, abduction, alien, bull, cattle, cow, farm, farmer, farming, flying, probe, problem, saucer, ufo


Help a farmer with his alien probelm.

Uh, problem. Alien problem...

Capturas de pantalla


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Por willy61

Funny you have buggalo in it. :-)

Por lunaandsol32

Anyhow, great adventure! R+

Por lunaandsol32

You know what I hate? When you are one of the first to play an adventure, the points go up later!

Por Mukidori

great! nice! R

Por knighteverlastin

Beat it 1st time thru. Very laggy though. I really liked this adventure.

Por maggotime13

Welcome baaack! Happy to see you again! nd I'll play this now, in your honor. :3

Por AlCat1

great to have u back! Liked it and all, but 1 thing about your adventures. Too long of paths. Takes forever to go places!

Por lukiber

i missed you!

Por Pie4Pigs

Awesome, Very good! Rated Up!

Por Superdude327


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