SNS Grievver Assault
No puntuado

Por Nomicakes
27/07/2010 - 15:20:27

Tipo: Vehículo espacial
Puntuación: 0.23 (No puntuado)
Tags: assault, nomicakes, sns


The NomicakeTechnology Laboritories [NCL] section of the Serious Noise Shipyards would just like to remind you all that, in fact, no; the name of this ship is not a typo.


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Por Captainredfox

Love It. R+

Por Alpackabomb


Por Reyes1

Great SNS ship. Awesome shape. Great cannons

Por Hilight

Well done R+! nice look to it

Por avaslash

Btw IM BACK ON SPORE!! check out my creations

Por shiverbeast

That was a good way to use up space...Hello people of the world,I am back from Europe!

Por Alex27123344

nice! ive got 221 (most thanks to the feature) and like almost 2500 comments.. i think you really need a feature, and badly.. u deserve it

Por Warboss92

I really dig the design of this ship. Like the orange highlights in form of the wires and logo.

Por Alex27123344

i really like these sns designs you've got going! theyre all similar, but each is original in its own way! i particularly like the engines on this beast

Por luckyburdock

More excellent, well constructed work.

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