Xenoplanet Sariwista
No puntuado

Por LeeMortis
04/07/2010 - 18:31:04

Tipo: Aventura de historia
Puntuación: 0.09 (No puntuado)
Tags: electric, parkaboy, pollinate the scene, sariwista, scientist, sienuhan, xenoplanet


You have the privilege of being invited to help with the making of another episode of Xenoplanets, the Sensenet's most popular science show! The subject of today's episode is Sariwista, the electrifying home of the Sienuhan.

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Por Morizo

I've just made my own Xenoplanet mission! :) it would be awesome if you could play it!

Por kaboom88

Too bad my captain's species telepathy uses different energies to work,and one of them is electricity. After my poor captain went to the zoo he walked around like he was hammered. :)

Por Jmann98

(President calls Gree Sallmon a space hippie) (my captain) What!? You little...... :)

Por Jmann98

I liked it, but the braggery was to much, at least you made it a downside about the soil being unstable. But, very good. rate 1

Por HRmatthew

However, I really don't like "this species are the only ones in the entire universe who can (insert task here) statements.

Por HRmatthew

That was a very exceptional Xenoplanet, I really liked the concept of self-genereative electricity and the level of detail! Great job, this is one of my favorite xenoplanets!

Por jschwegman

Very nice Xenoplanets episode! I like the unusual premise of an electrically charged planet, and you have some great creatures and sets. I particularly liked the lab equipment in the power plant. Nice work!

Por jschwegman

Thanks for your very kind comment! I'm so glad you enjoyed my adventure. Your sporecast looks very good, by the way - I subscribed.

Por Damnagoras

But as I said, nice scenery with many details... Hey, it took me 18 minutes to finish. Longest Xenoplanet I have played then! X)

Por Damnagoras

And be more careful with saying such things as "Best (or only) in the galaxy" or even "Best (or only) in the universe", as you did now. It's very rarely appreciated by players.

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