Bluestar The Untold Story Pt 5
No puntuado

Por wolfbaby98
29/06/2010 - 20:04:41

Tipo: Aventura de historia
Puntuación: 0 (No puntuado)
Tags: bluestar, cats, erin hunter, warriors


This is my made up story of Bluestar's Past. Today you will train with Skypaw, but you are told to go on a patrol and everything goes wrong. (I don't own warriors in anyway)

Capturas de pantalla


Por matanui22

This iis a inspiering adventur,keap it up! (PLEASE!)

Por Dragonpenguin

I think i comment too much, but there cant be too many comments! :P

Por Dragonpenguin

pretty colors

Por Chelsinator

your mentors attacked skypaw -3-

Por Laurel68

omgwtf!?(oh my gosh what the frig?)Y r u using DeathClan warriors for ShadowClan?


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