The Life of Props EP2
No puntuado

Por thunderpants
28/06/2010 - 19:46:47

Tipo: Aventura de historia
Puntuación: 0.06 (No puntuado)
Tags: propbot


Attack of Propenstein...
As the Prop Bots have evolved the Species have grown to be both good and bad...

Capturas de pantalla


Por Uranus9

You haven't added EP 2 of my series to the SC yet!

Por Uranus9

I made EP 2 of my series, but I'll be making an "EP 2 Version 2" because I messed up on a few things on it.

Por Doak73Doak73

Also, have you seen Bubbles? He's one of the creations for your Bath Time Contest!

Por Doak73Doak73

Nice adventure! The atmosphere was very, um, propish. It was hard to ally with 'Charlie', because my captain doesn't have charm. But I did it anyways.

Por Doak73Doak73

That does sound noobish. But I won't hold it against you. And I see you used my castle. Nice.


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