Don't Turn the Page
No puntuado

Por Kyte636
22/06/2010 - 05:34:02

Tipo: Edificio de ocio
Puntuación: 0.24 (No puntuado)
Tags: book, danger, dangerous, disney, glitter, glowing, magic, mouse, mystical, page, picture, story, text, words


Readers beware! Do NOT turn the page of this mystical book to page 482! If you do you shall find a picture of such horror, such terror, such unimaginable hideousness, that one single, innocent glimpse shall render you vanished as if you never existed! Oh the dread, oh the fright! Oh the temptation?no! Dare you not! Oh, such evil you will find there! Do not be lured by the glittery, glowing texts that flow the previous pages. Resist you must! Do not open it to?hey, wait a moment, is that a mouse? ***poof!***
(Oops. I guess he looked.)


Por hrmpf6

This creation is cool but might cause some problems... Japanese readers don`t look at page 480!

Por blobboy123

hey its mikee mou *poof*

Por Kyte636

...so to save it unfortunately I can't have many buddies. **sigh** I hate technology sometimes!

Por Kyte636

as to my buddies, one of the comps I use is antiquated, it can't handle the mass downloads you get when you add buddies (crashed not just spore but the whole comp)...

Por Kyte636

No idea on the upload, some of the stull will upload, some won't, no clue why

Por Ulti-Creator

How did you upload this with the Freedom thing on it? Also,do you have ANY buddies? I looked at your thing on Spore.com and it said you had none.

Por Ulti-Creator

Do you mean the right page? 'Cause I looked at it an-POOF!



Por Kyte636

It looks better in the editor, the 'words' on pg 481 glow :-)


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