Tretellia Shipyards LF-609
No puntuado

Por superandy94
11/05/2010 - 17:55:12

Tipo: Vehículo espacial
Puntuación: -1 (No puntuado)


This ship is incredibly fast, but at the cost of firepower; it carries only 4 tiny phascannons as its weapons.


Por TaladonThule

this reminded me of star wars, the blue droid dropship thingy that you can fly in SW Battlefront II.

Por Alex27123344

woah, never saw this! i like the disc shape a lot, and when are you going to be around again? im missing your creations

Por luckyburdock

Excellent shape work on this one, ewspecially the rear end but you should really use the paint like feature to get the completely accurate Tretellia texture.

Por Alex27123344

what the?! how did i never see this? woops. anyways, i love the disc shape here!

Por nerdles

lol reminds me of star trek :) great job with the shape! and it certainly fits well with the design you intended (in the caption)


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