
Por Jomeaga
08/05/2010 - 23:01:32

Tipo: Edificio de casa
Puntuación: 3.43 (Bueno)
Tags: gaprop, jomeaga


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Por UltimateZob

Very pretty... I like how you painted it.

Por Twarda

Hm, only one work per year. You aren't most active person :P

Por Twarda

Btw, Do you have DeviantArt perhaps?

Por Twarda

Because there is something that I'll never forget ^.-

Por Twarda

Well, you propably wondering WHY I'm asking so annoyng questions to you and wasting your time. You should know that I'm just curious how your viewpoint changed through few months.

Por Reyes1

Awesome crystal structure. Fantastic work with the building editor

Por Serevanth

Reminds of a sea urchin :)

Por LordofDestiny

cool story bro. :)

Por TarsTarkas

Nice prop!

Por Dark_Heroics

purdy colours. kindly try my bioshock adventure?

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