Trichaba Air Fort
No puntuado
Por VelociBlade
24/04/2010 - 06:36:04
Tipo: Vehículo militar aéreo
Puntuación: 1.87 (No puntuado)
Tags: trichaba, trichaba air fort, velociblade, velociraptorblade
Using magnetic fields to stay afloat, these strongholds of the sky allow the Trichiba to spy on enemy nations on their planet from overhead, as well as dropping chemical and biological agents on them. It carries a anchor or a payload from the rung on it's bottom and a retractable sail and dock.Pretty much a filler creation. But it's a QUALITY filler creation, so there. Sucks that no expansions have come out for the vehicle editors though....
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looks pretty good from the preview pic.
Por Wag88
looks great
Por biosonic417
i tried to make Kardas Dragon, but it turns out to be difficult.
Por Dirtymeat
I like the idea of a vert airship. Nice work.